
Saturday, 16 February 2013


I built my scenery board years ago to represent Amon Hen in a way. I have no idea why I did this, as I had neither an Uruk Hai army or the Fellowship at the time… But it has served me well. I used simple techniques with MDF, polystyrene insulation sheets, pet store sand and grit and Dulux paints. I’m in the middle of making my new Osgiliath board, and I’ll keep that posted as it’s evolving. 
To go with any scenario I could think of, on this board or any other, I made a few simple objective markers; fallen heroes, campfire, strategic point, weapons pile and treasured item.

The strategic point was made using one of the statues that come with the small ruins box. This was just put onto a cavalry base and decorated with long grass and sponge.

The fallen hero was made using the scenic base that came with my Pelennor Gothmog. It didn't suit either of my new models so I thought it would be the perfect for a scenario.

The weapons pile was made for my own version of Escape from Goblin Town set in Ithilien. It can work for both good and evil, which is why there's a massive troll hammer wedged into the ground among some scattered Osgiliath bricks. The campfire was made using balsa wood and rocks from the garden. I'm working on a better one with actual flames and smoke.

Lastly there's the treasured item, which takes the form of The One Ring! I didn't have any beads lying around the house, so had to make it out of gree stuff. I also didn't have any gold paint at the time (not very prepared) so mixed sunburst yellow with chainmail. It gave the right sort of effect.

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